Sciatica is the irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Symptoms include neurological pain, numbness or tingling which runs from the lower back down the back of the leg. Understanding the importance of yoga for sciatica will help you to avoid or treat neurological symptoms and pain.
Piriformis Syndrome
The irritation of the sciatic nerve is often caused by the piriformis muscle. Depending on your anatomy, the sciatic nerve either runs under or through the piriformis muscle. When this muscle becomes hypertonic (tight), it puts direct pressure on the sciatic nerve. This will cause neurological symptoms or pain down the back of the leg. Otherwise known as piriformis syndrome.
The primary function of the piriformis muscle is to externally (or laterally) rotate the hip. It also provides a stabilizing function in the pelvis. This muscle often tight in runners so has been appropriately nicknamed ‘the runners muscle’. Horseback riding, cycling, even prolonged periods of sitting can cause tightness in the piriformis muscle. If neurological symptoms are due to a tight piriformis muscle, this is good news! There are yoga postures that stretch the piriformis muscle.

Benefits of Massage Therapy
Since this muscle is found underneath the large gluteal muscles, it is very often neglected and goes untreated for years. Often the tightness if initially discovered by a massage therapist. There are a number of techniques to reduce spasm, lengthen and stretch the piriformis used by Massage Therapists. Consequently, massage therapy is a very effective treatment for piriformis syndrome. Massage Therapy, in conjunction with a regular yoga practice, is optimal.
Yoga for Sciatica
Yoga teachers often instruct students to keep toes forward (as opposed to turned in) in Standing Seperate Leg Posture within the Bikram Yoga practice. This is true for individuals struggling with sciatic pain, but the correction is only necessary if the position actually creates sharp-shooting, intolerable pain. Since this posture puts the piriformis muscle in a lengthened (stretch) position, it does have the potential to trigger sciatic pain.
That being said, by putting the muscle in a lengthened or stretched position, this posture can actually help to lengthen the piriformis muscle and correct piriformis syndrome in the long run. This isn’t a quick fix. It will take time to lengthen the muscle and restore normal internal rotation of the hip. It is very beneficial for individuals to do this posture on a daily basis. Yoga for sciatica requires repetition and frequency.
If you are experiencing sciatic pain, never go to the point of pain. Take it slow. Remember: the corrective process of yoga practice comes with the uncomfortable sensations and not the recreation of pain. If you are experiencing sciatic pain, back way off. Don’t push. For you, it will be more beneficial for you to turn your toes in and not bend forward. Often, we avoid the parts of the body that need the attention. Turning your toes inward is of benefit to you, more than bending forward with toes turned out. Start there. Once you can turn your toes in without discomfort, you can safely progress forward.
Your body, your practice
Do you have a tight piriformis? A quick test is to come to standing with legs straight. In a resting standing position notice if your toes turn out naturally. If they do, it is likely due to tight external hip rotators and piriformis muscle. Incorporating a few stretches for piriformis into your daily routine would be extremely beneficial.
Standing Seperate Leg Stretching (with toes turned inward) is a great start. Other postures within the Bikram Yoga series for piriformis syndrome are Eagle Pose and Spine Twist. I am currently booking private sessions in 30 minute increments. Within these sessions we can assess your hip mobility. Based on our findings, we can create a supplemental yoga/stretching program for you. This will help to address your areas of tightness and weakness within your body.