Often we leave our practice at home, along with our yoga mat!  And if this year has taught me anything, it’s that yoga is accessible from anywhere you are.  So why not continue your self-care efforts by traveling with your yoga practice in tow?  Travel + Yoga!

This summer, I took my yoga practice on the road.

Today I practiced on the balcony looking out over Shuswap Lake.  This week I’m at my in-laws place in Sicamous, BC, Canada and normally I wouldn’t practice until I could make the trip to Vernon to practice at the local hot yoga studio.  When I could swing the trip to Vernon, it was awesome!  The practice would allow me to fill up my cup and I’d leave the studio feeling great and able to lean in and enjoy the rest of the day with my family.  Conversely, on the holidays I was unable to make it to the studio, I would feel lethargic and irritable due to my overindulgence in decadent food and grown-up beverages.

So I rolled out my mat this morning, I realized that this is now my very favourite place to practice.  It was early enough that while the sun felt hot, there was a light, cool breeze that felt magical when it hit my skin.  The sun made me squint my eyes every time I came into a backbend and threw me a bit off balance, and I thought what a ‘problem’ to have!  The experience was incredible.  While the yoga was the same, the experience was fresh and new.

We were up late last night eating, drinking and laughing.  And this morning my balance was all over the place. And yet by the time I moved into standing head to knee, I felt the connection of my forehead to knee with very little thought or effort.  As I moved through my practice, I felt increasingly more grateful for the place I was in and the opportunities available in the day ahead.  I found myself questioning why had I never thought to practice yoga on my travels.

Travel with yoga

Establishing a home practice, doesn’t mean you have to be home to practice!

If you have read any of my more recent posts, you will know that this year I have been developing my ‘home’ practice.  So far, it’s been an incredible journey and has taught me so much about myself and my body.  I realize now, that it’s not just about moving my practice from the studio to my home space.  I’ve adopted the philosophy that my yoga practice is anywhere I place my mat.  Each physical surrounding offers its own set of challenges and each day is better for having practiced.

Within the practice of yoga, you have an opportunity to practice art of non-attachment.  Yoga is not limited to a space or a studio.  Yoga is the practice of connection between the mind, body and soul.  It can be performed anywhere you are.  While you are at home, or on holiday; in your home studio, or a studio away.  Everyday exists an opportunity for yoga and for connection.  Simply put: your travels and break from routine don’t have to impede your yoga practice.

I have been practicing Bikram Yoga for over 10 years now.  When I first began my practice this morning, I had a moment of feeling a little embarrassed and shy.  What if someone saw me?  I even had a mind to move myself to a more private space. While in studio, you are within a collective practicing together.  Heading out on to that balcony, I was alone and in view of other people.

Your chance to step into bigger shoes

Here’s the thing, there are very few people confident enough to roll out their mat and practice where they may be seen.  Upon reflection, I believe this had held me back in the past.  I know a lot yogis who have no qualms about practicing and showing others what they can do.  And when I witness those individuals doing their thing, I am inspired to move.

Whatever may be in your space that creates a resistance to rolling out your mat in a foreign or public place, consider that in doing so you are stepping into the shoes of someone that may very well inspire others.  That is a very cool thing to do. Vacation is a time to refuel and unwind.  This experience is not unlike stepping onto your mat.

My social media feed is full of quotes about self-care and yet, I very rarely see individuals take a time out of their vacation to connect and take care of themselves.  The time is now.  Vacation shouldn’t mean, vacationing from all the awesome aspects of your home life routine.  Be brave.  Bring  yoga with you when you travel.

Pre-recorded and livestream classes will keep you moving on the road.  Check out my Bring Yoga Home subscription for the best of both worlds!
